In cooperation with the projects Métopes and HIRMEOS, AEUP organized the workshop “From Text to Structured Edition – Producing XML-TEI Content”, in December 11-13, 2018 at Göttingen State and University Library.

Summary of the workshop

The AEUP Board has written a summary of the workshop, which was aimed at editors and publishers who want to acquire knowledge and gain first hand experience with tools for creating standardized documents in XML. The first day focused on general information on XML-based publishing and about the Métopes project. The following two days offered hands-on experience with Métopes software.

The feedback from the participants of the workshop was very positive. The role of AEUP in this cooperation is best described as an intermediary and an aggregator of ideas.

Anyone who is interested in writing a blog post about XML-based publishing, perhaps you were one of the attandees of this workshop and would like to give your comments and response, please contact us at