Author: mdvorakova (Page 5 of 7)

AEUP Survey on Editorial Skills and Courses

Please take a few minutes (1-5) to answer the AEUP survey on Editorial Skills and Courses as soon as you can.

Discussion on first results on the 2nd AEUP Conference

We will discuss the first results of the survey on the 2nd AEUP Conference (Re-)Shaping University Presses and Institutional Publishing, in Brno June 14-15.

Thanks to an initiative by Jacob Andersson at Malmö University Library Publishing, pending member of AEUP, we will spread this survey to presses, publishing houses and library publishers internationally.

See and fill in the survey bewlow or go to the survey via this link:öUniversity/EditorialSkillsAndCourses

Please, let us know if you have any questions regarding the survey.

Best regards,

The AEUP Board

Extended deadline for submissions #AEUP2019 Conference

Extended deadline for submissions #AEUP2019 Conference

(Re-)Shaping University Presses and Institutional Publishing

Profiles – Challenges – Benefits
Brno, Czech Republic, 13–14 June 2019

Hosted by Masaryk University and Munipress

Register now – let us know that you will attend. Registration will be closed May 31th, 2019. No fee for AEUP members, a fee of 100 EUR for non-members.

The conference will be dedicated to the following main questions:

  • What characterizes and challenges university presses nowadays?
  • What defines a professional press within higher education?
  • What are the benefits for scholars and researchers in publishing with institutional presses or academic library publishing services?

Please contact the AEUP Board if you have any questions regarding the conference:

Registration open for the 2nd AEUP Conference

(Re-)Shaping University Presses and Institutional Publishing #AEUP2019

Profiles – Challenges – Benefits

Brno, Czech Republic, 13–14 June 2019

Hosted by Masaryk University and MUNI Press

Registration is open now. Closed May 12th, 2019. No fee for AEUP members, a fee of 100 EUR for non-members

The conference will be dedicated to the following main questions:

  • What characterizes and challenges university presses nowadays?
  • What defines a professional press within higher education?
  • What are the benefits for scholars and researchers in publishing with institutional presses or academic library publishing services?

Read more about the conference and see the preliminary programme. Call for abstracts for Poster presentation and Lightning talk is open until March 15.

Please contact the AEUP Board if you have any questions regarding the conference:

Call for abstracts and save the date for the 2nd #AEUP2019 Conference

(Re-)Shaping University Presses and Institutional Publishing #AEUP2019

Profiles – Challenges – Benefits

Brno, Czech Republic, 13–14 June 2019 

Hosted by Masaryk University and MUNI Press

The conference will be dedicated to the following main questions:

  • What characterizes and challenges university presses nowadays?
  • What defines a professional press within higher education?
  • What are the benefits for the researchers?

Call for abstracts for lightning talks and posters are open until February 28th, on the above themes. Please read more about the conference, call for abstracts and about registration which will be open in February.

For general inquiries please contact the AEUP Board at, for questions about the venue and local organisation please contact Martina Dvořáková at

Looking forward to meeting you!

The AEUP Board

Summary of 2018 AEUP XML workshop with Métopes

In cooperation with the projects Métopes and HIRMEOS, AEUP organized the workshop “From Text to Structured Edition – Producing XML-TEI Content”, in December 11-13, 2018 at Göttingen State and University Library.

Summary of the workshop

The AEUP Board has written a summary of the workshop, which was aimed at editors and publishers who want to acquire knowledge and gain first hand experience with tools for creating standardized documents in XML. The first day focused on general information on XML-based publishing and about the Métopes project. The following two days offered hands-on experience with Métopes software.

The feedback from the participants of the workshop was very positive. The role of AEUP in this cooperation is best described as an intermediary and an aggregator of ideas.

Anyone who is interested in writing a blog post about XML-based publishing, perhaps you were one of the attandees of this workshop and would like to give your comments and response, please contact us at

Happy Holidays 2018 – thanks to all members!

This year has been filled with AEUP activities with our AEUP members, as well as in discussions on Twitter @AEUP_info and on the AEUP Website.

2nd AEUP conference in Brno, 12–14 June, 2019

Save the dates June, 12–14 2019, for the 2nd AEUP 2019 conference in Brno, hosted by Masaryk University Press. More information about the conference will appear on the website in January.

The AEUP Board is looking forward to 2019, a new year filled with AEUP activities and events. We want all of you to take part in discussions, activities and tell us what you think is important for us to work with.

All of us in the AEUP Board would like to thank all members for everything we have accomplished together in 2018.

Happy Holidays!

On behalf of the AEUP Board,

Christina (Secretary)

European University Presses celebrating #UPWeek #ReadUP #TurnItUP

This week is the international University Press Week 2018. Why celebrate this? It is an occasion to highlight the work we do at University Presses and give credit to all involved.

This years’s theme is focusing on UPs ability to find authors and publish their work, might otherwise would not be published #TurnItUP. The theme was chosen by the Association of University Presses (AUPresses).

Several of our AEUP members presses have and are taking part in this.

See for example Amsterdam University Press and Stockholm University Press.

Please let us know if you are also taking part!

AEUP Board

AEUP Annual Meeting 2018

This year’s annual meeting will be held at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Thursday, 11 October 2018, 13:00–15:00.

The meeting will take place in hall 3 East/Ost in the room EXTRAKT.

From 13:00 to 14:00: Only for AEUP members (AEUP annual reports on economic status, Riga workshop, survey, strategies etc.)

From 14:00 to 15:00: The meeting will be open to all interested parties.

  • AEUP 2019 conference in Brno, hosted by Masaryk University Press on 12–14 June 2019
  • XML-workshop in Göttingen, organised by AEUP, Métopes and HIRMEOS on 11–13 December 2018 Please fill in our small survey before the book fair, about what specific XML-topics/needs should be raised at the workshop, which we would like to discuss with you at this second part of the meeting.

Please let us know if you have any questions or something you would like to discuss at the annual meeting:

Drinks reception after the meeting

After the meeting we will have an informal drinks reception at Hall 4.2, stands E68/E71/E73/E74/F75/E77.


The AEUP board members

Keeping up with the standards – impressions of a fruitful meeting

About 30 participants from a dozen countries (Armenia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden) joined the international AEUP workshop on standards from May 4th-6th, 2018 in Riga (Latvia). The workshop was hosted by AEUP member RTU Press / Riga Technical University . We are very grateful to them for creating a prolific framework and making us feel very welcome. Among the participants were university presses as well as institutional publishers and experts from Numédif-Métopes, the PKP Knowledge Project and Ubiquity Press. Two new members were welcomed that turned out to be the presses with the longest and shortest tradition within the association  – Vilnius University Press, tracing back its history till 1575, and the recently founded University of Groningen Press.

Participants agreed that the workshop was an important step towards unlocking the potential that lies within AEUP, and that the event was a highly productive one several aspects.

About the workshop

The workshop started with AEUP member presentations and some basic information about the AEUP organisation itself in consideration of the workshop’s main topics. First survey results concerning reviewing and quality control, production and dissemination sent in advance of the event provided basics of publishing and provided other important topics and stimulation for the following discussions.

AEUP survey shows that AEUP member presses want workshops and webinars by AEUP. Let’s do it together! #AEUP18

— AEUP (@AEUP_info) June 5, 2018

The event offered four different sessions with input by experts on the very different topics, followed by group break-out and discussions. The sessions dealt with standards in quality control and reviewing including input from Abigail Murdy from Ubiquity Press, standards in production including input from Dominique Roux and Edith Cannet from Numédif-Métopes, standards in publishing with PKP’s Bozana Bokan and standards in dissemination including input from board members. 

Dominique Roux explaining Numédif-Métopes project – turning editorial content into publishing media #AEUP18

— AEUP (@AEUP_info) June 5, 2018

Knowledge exchange and networking was encouraged by group work after each session, bringing together publishers with different backgrounds and expectations which led to greater benefits for everyone due to new insights and new perspectives. The group feedback led to inspiring findings for all teh participants.

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 Ad hoc workshop with Dominique Roux and Edith Cannet (Numédif-Métopes) and Bozana Bokan (PKP) (photo: Ivo Volt, Tartu)

The awakening of new interests can be best illustrated by the fact that several participants, as well as the experts from Numédif-Métopes and PKP, promptly got together after the event for an ad hoc workshop in order to intensify exchange on Métopes’ integrated xml-based workflow.

Direct outcome for 2018: a workshop on integrated xml publishing

Due to the deep interest in this topic and as a result of the survey in preparation of this event (results will be published soon), there will be a three day xml workshop in Göttingen in December 2018 for AEUP members. Organised by AEUP, Métopes and HIRMEOS and mentored by AEUP patron member OPERAS, it will present productive ways of enabling a sustainable “high integration of monographs” in European open science knowledge networks (HIRMEOS).

Big event in 2019: 2nd AEUP Conference

The workshop in Riga closed with a great outlook: In June 2019, the 2nd AEUP Conference will take place in Brno (Czech Republic). It will be hosted by AEUP Member Masaryk University Press

We are really looking forward to meeting you on this great occasion. Let’s come together and network!

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