“Sustaining the Flow: Keeping the Pages Turning in Scholarly Publishing

22–23 May 2025
Vienna, Austria

4th AEUP Conference Header. Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

The Association of European University Presses (AEUP) invites you to join us for the upcoming conference, “Sustaining the Flow: Keeping the Pages Turning in Scholarly Publishing.” This event will bring together publishers, researchers, librarians, and industry experts to explore the diverse challenges and opportunities in sustaining scholarly publishing. Yet, the conference is more than just a forum for discussing sustainability—it is a space for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and collective problem-solving. With a focus on long-term resilience, we will examine key strategies, innovations, and collaborative efforts that can help shape a more sustainable publishing ecosystem.

The conference will center around five key domains of sustainability: financial and operational modelseditorial and technological advancementscultural and bibliodiversity initiativescommunity-driven publishing practices, and environmentally responsible strategies. By exploring these themes together, we aim to inspire new approaches, strengthen networks, and create sustainable pathways for scholarly communication. Join us in Vienna to exchange knowledge, build partnerships, and contribute to the future of scholarly publishing.

Call for Papers


✱ Paola Corti

Paola is the Open Education Community Manager at SPARC Europe since 2021, working with the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL) to support each other and do their best to implement the UNESCO OER Recommendations.  
She will focus on the role of Open Textbooks in sustainable institutional publishing.

✱ Vanessa Proudman

As Director to SPARC Europe, Vanessa is working to make Open the default in Europe. She has over 20 years’ international experience working with many leading university libraries and publishers.
She will present the DIAMAS Sustainability Toolsuite, designed to help publishers transition to Diamond OA publishing.


The conference programme is currently in development and will be published in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for updates as we shape an engaging and insightful agenda together.


The conference is generously hosted by The Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

Conference fees

– 0 EUR for AEUP members (or pending members)
– 150 EUR for non-members (No fee if you are an invited speaker.)

Code of Conduct

Please see the Association of European University Presses (AEUP) Code of Conduct, which is adopted from OpenCon Code of Conduct.