May this new year bring you new zeal for doing what we all do best – books!
We wish you happy and healthy 2021.

An online satellite event of the OASPA Conference 2020, the Multilingualism Workshop, will address topics such as balance between localization and globalization, translation and translators, or linguistic hegemony and dominance in multilingual settings.
The workshop will be opened by a contribution on the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in scholarly communication; many other talks will follow, dealing with various aspects of multilingualism as well as presentation of big projects that aim to promote multilingualism and diversity as such (OPERAS, TRIPLE).
A number of expert speakers from all over the world, Europe (Finland, France Poland, and Portugal) as well as Argentina, Canada and Japan, will contribute to insightful discussions and straight to the point contributions.
The registration is still open! Check the finalised agenda here.
Learn about benefits & challenges of multilingualism in scholarly communication and publishing.
Join the discussion, share experiences, get inspiration to future networking, and input for policy strategies.
This workshop on multilingualism is an online satellite joint event of the OASPA Conference 2020.
The Association of European University Presses (AEUP) welcomes different approaches to overcome the challenging situation that we are facing during the Corona crisis.
AEUP sees potential to provide Open Access to the scientific content in this situation, be it books or articles in journals, and enable researchers and public to have free access also to digital libraries during the lockdown period.
The value of free access to scholarly content is acknowledged. Many publishers have already opened their Corona-related content to foster diagnostic, therapeutic and epidemiological progress as well as encouraging international collaboration on treatments and the development of a vaccine.
Some academic publishers have reduced prices for their e-books, and most AEUP members have at least some of their content open, and some are already fully Open Access publishers.
Sustainable access to content
Access to specialized content is currently difficult, because institutions such as public libraries or commercial infrastructures such as the book trade or publishing houses, are not accessible in the normal way.
AEUP encourages national and other initiatives taken by academic publishers that require publicly financed research results to be freely accessible during the Corona crisis.
However, giving temporary free access will create additional challenges for AEUP members and other small university presses, as free digital access requires digital content management as well as digital publishing platforms. Not all content is immediately available in a digital form, and not all platforms are equipped to grant temporary free access. Another challenge is that many small presses have an economic model relying on sales revenues to cover at least a part of their operating costs.
The transition to Open Access depends on knowledge, different standards (content, reviewing, producing, publishing, metadata, distributing/spreading etc), which require investing means and work – it cannot be done over a day but needs to be sustainable in the long run.
It should be up to each University Press to decide the possibility to give free access to their content at the moment and consider the transition to Open Access, depending on their prerequisites and business models.
In these challenging times, AEUP recommends to strengthen public and political efforts to have more scholarly content available without access barriers and that funding on national levels must be on board.
Together we are working on a sustainable future of academic publishing.
Please contact the AEUP Board regarding this statement:
OPERAS has made a survey on SSH scholarly communication for researchers as part of the OPERAS-P project.
The survey addresses the following dimensions of SSH scholarly communication:
AEUP members are contributing with 69 books in a lottery to thank the participating researchers in the survey. Some of the contributing AEUP members are:
The survey is to be completed by 18 March 2020 and it has been translated into eight different languages. By following one of these links you can take part in the survey: English; Croatian; French; Italian, Polish; German; Portuguese; Greek
If you have any questions, please contact the AEUP Board:
The AEUP Board would like to thank all members for a wonderful year!
The highlight in 2019 was the 2nd AEUP conference in Brno, Czech Republic, 13–14 June 2019, (Re-)Shaping University Presses and Institutional Publishing, hosted by Masaryk University and Munipress.
AEUP has now 41 members from 18 countries, and we welcome our three new members, Firenze University Press, University of Westminster Press and Ubiquity Press.
Looking back on this year, we should remember the purpose of our association. Its aim is first and mostly to develop and support relations between university presses in Europe through cooperation and mutuality, independent of economic conditions & business models.
AEUP should facilitate the diversity of members but also speak in one voice representing the members. The landscape of academic publishing is constantly changing and it is of importance for AEUP to take a stand. We should work on principles and promote bibliodiversity and horizontal alliances, see i.e. the Declaration from the 2nd AEUP conference.
In 2020 AEUP will organise in cooperation with the Helsinki Initiative (LINK) on multilingualism, with ENRESSH and Coimbra University Press, in charge of OPERAS special working group on multilingualism.
At the AEUP annual meeting in Frankfurt, we had the pleasure to have guests and representatives from the Latin America UP’s (Asociación de Editoriales Universitarias de América Latina y el Caribe). Among them were the president Sayri Karl Mitastein, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Peter Berkery, Executive Director for AUP (Association of University Presses), was also at the meeting and we hope for future joint events and missions with of both these two (and other) organisations.
We encourage and support networking between our members, which is one of the main purposes of AEUP. We need ideas from our members and for member presses to help organizing future workshops and conferences, and to engage on their own terms nationally and internationally.
The AEUP Board wish you all a glorious and a successful 2020!
Greetings from the last AEUP online Board meeting, December 12 (attendees: Ivo Volt, Christina Lenz, Isabella Meinecke & Martina Dvořáková)
Presentations from the 2nd AEUP conference (Re-)Shaping University Presses and Institutional Publishing, are now available on Zenodo.
An outcome of the conference was the Declaration from the 2nd AEUP conference. It states that the landscape of academic publishing is rapidly changing and raised to the AEUP board to, for example:
All members are welcome to the annual meeting at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Thursday, October 17, at 14–16 (2–4 pm), hall 4.2, Room Brillanz..
The second part of the meeting, 15:00-16:00, will be open for all interested parties. Welcome to take part in discussion of AEUP activities. Drinks reception after the meeting will be held at Hall 4.2, stands booth E 73774/75/77/78.
Please, contact us if you have any questions or ideas you would like to raise with the AEUP Board:
The AEUP board members
Outcomes of the 2nd AEUP conference
Brno, Czech Republic, 13–14 June 2019
Hosted by Masaryk University and MUNI Press
The participants of the conference have committed to further cooperate in enhancing the recognition of university/institutional publishing. Read the full text of the declaration here.
By searching for the #AEUP19 hashtag you can find what the participants found interesting during the conference.
Please contact the AEUP Board if you have any questions regarding the conference and its outcomes:
Please take a few minutes (1-5) to answer the AEUP survey on Editorial Skills and Courses as soon as you can.
We will discuss the first results of the survey on the 2nd AEUP Conference (Re-)Shaping University Presses and Institutional Publishing, in Brno June 14-15.
Thanks to an initiative by Jacob Andersson at Malmö University Library Publishing, pending member of AEUP, we will spread this survey to presses, publishing houses and library publishers internationally.
See and fill in the survey bewlow or go to the survey via this link:öUniversity/EditorialSkillsAndCourses
Please, let us know if you have any questions regarding the survey.
Best regards,
The AEUP Board
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